can't wait to get out of this and into a paying job that means i just search for porn in an office, surely this is what real office work is like? i've seen enough of the office, and it seems to ring true! do two hours work then pass the time... sounds like a plan, better than sitting trying to write on subject that has long since been interesting, and having you're bank balance just slip away... funds from my parents and a shite student loan- the cost of living is ignored it seems, a grand total of around £6k a year... whoa! still good luck for walking into a swamped market where you'll let the debt fester whilst signing for the dole :D
thats my plan, get as physically and mentally disturbed by living at home in a single bedded room that the greatest and purest art pours from my brain and lifts me to the realms of being in the black! come on...
a successful day, with movement from soul destroying downs (not the people, yes they are a 'race'... this is a joke, laugh) to a weird feeling of elation that only comes from doing no work and riding on a wave of isolation and poetry, actually superb! its a weird feeling knowing that you have to work your arse off, its gonna be an intense few days before a return to the homeland to see the most important people... i shall name them as flood, field, cordes, o'donnell, carter and champ-most likely , and hopefully, more than that too!
i was going to try and orchestrate a series of more important points, but for me and a certain hero of mine (1952-2002, who could it be?) 'without people you're nothing'... friends are what i live for, they make me happy and i can't wait to see my family but they will always be around and i shall know where they are, whereas it is possible for friends to get jobs taking them to places that are incredible and not just london, which differing members seem to despise and love, i in the latter category
listen to billy bragg, 'a lover sings' a fine and beautiful piece of love driven poetry, awesome!
keeping it brief(s) [kinky, sorry i love this joke its so childish and makes me smile] as its 11 and sleep is a damn good idea :)
keep it rockin'