Wednesday, 1 April 2009

you're on speaker phone... tits! gonads!

the first post written in the throngs of a sunny and nice day, it essentially means i have to weave a fully worked dissertation in about a weeks time-but it will get done, it always does-it'll be a fucking rush but fuck it!

after messing about with a loop station, distortion, delay, echo and all the lovely effects that james has spent hours pissing about with-i have a new determination in life, and that is to get money for a good guitar/amp set up... get a guitar rigged with P-90s and a nice lil vox/fender amp... yes it is a small fortune, and sure i'm no virtuoso but why buy a shitty guitar when you're not just gonna let it rot in a cupboard somewhere

its a bit of shit quote, but radiohead wrote a song with the name and it is true that anyone can play guitar... and i do know a LOT of guitar players, however i only know of three who i consider truely play guitar-listen to what they love, adapt it on guitar and embrace it... take what already exists, adapt and it make it your own

pretty much all of my favourite bands have done this, and for me thats what becoming good is about... a lot of hard work practice and determination, rather than a cover band *cough* oasis *cough*... there are more than just a handful of bands, there are a mind-blowing number of genres, listen to them... don't have a niche and love it, love all... don't prejudge musicians based on there media representation, ie mike skinner i thought was a chav cunt until i listened to what he was saying, and how it was put together so well... prejudice is the anti-thesis of progress (this is pretentious, and i am 100% aware of that) but has a strong resonance and truth

thats the boring stuff out of the way

i'm being haunted. one of the inspirations for this blog was a bit of facebook stalking, obviously! as if no-one has taken an over active interest in anyone else? no? i'll be in prison on my own then... but yeah she (ooh...) looks fine and dandy but has the same smile in all her photos-this isnt a vast over statement, she literally has a weird grin on every photo... but she is nice, the old conundrum kicks in though-would she like me? no, thats that one dealt with... also height, as being a diminutive lil bugger there arent many females looking for a small, blonde and odd looking male now are there? haha its funny because its true

medway tomorrow, seeing people then back for dissertation... yes!

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